David Bartone

lives in Amherst, Ma. He writes a blog for the Kenyon Review, he is an editor of recently-filmed Microfilme Magazine, he has some poems in or forthcoming at InDigest and Tammy, and some collaborative poems in Invisible Ear with poet Jeff Downey. He teaches writing at UMass Amherst.

These poems exist as something of excerpts from initially much longer poems. Parenthetical matter; parentheses removed. And so in that way, what’s parenthetical is always what I want most. I’m not sure what I believe about the ah-ha moment, and I don’t like how so many people seem to call the process of removing editing. For me these creations are footnotes made fullest, want made most wanton; the hope is that good observation alone adds strength to sheer.

stories being few

swimming being the most beautiful kicking
when you dropped me off a quarter mile from shore
I couldn’t tell what your love for me was up to