Geoffrey Cruickshank-Hagenbuckle

All Calls Orient Themselves like Syllables Through a Door

What Fire Does For Floors

Occasionally Long-Lashed Heaven Overlooks

Close To The Art Of Those Fearless At Sea

Geoffrey Cruickshank-Hagenbuckle, Orphaned at 15, did not pursue my formal education longer than the law requires, matriculating to a life in rooming houses. As an in-patient at New York's Paine Whitney Hospital in 1995, he was clinically classified schizophrenic, "a rapture of the deep." He then took up writing. He divides his mind between New York and Paris. Please address all mail to his suitcase. He has been published in Fence, Purple, LIT, Verse, Exquisite Corpse, Boston Review, Brooklyn Rail, Explosive!, and variously. He was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2004. His handwritten notebooks are featured in the film Finding Forrester, directed by Gus Van Sant.

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